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    May 20, 2018
    Hamden Professional Firefighters staff Five (5) stations for the Hamden Fire Department, with a minimum of twenty-three (23) career firefighters on duty 24/7.
    Feb 23, 2006

    IAFF Local 2687 Charter Members

    IAFF Logo (color).jpgHamden Y&G 2 sm.JPG

    March 19, 1979


    Walter Macdowall Jr.

    Robert Macauley

    Austin Williams

    Wayne Lowery

    James Moore

    Charles Esposito

    Raymond Chase Jr.

    William Hines

    Thomas Doherty

    Richard Kenyon

    Fredrick Knudsen

    John Reynolds

    Donald E. LaBanca

    Paul Reutenauer Jr.

    Ralph Tomaselli

    Ralph Tortora

    Mark S Pratt

    John Poe III

    Howard Hurlburt Sr.

    John McKee Jr.

    Eugene A Maturo

    Robert Mordecai

    Warren E. Blake

    Thomas Hart

    Jeffery Stoehr

    James Milkowski

    Harry Cubbelotti

    Richard Carney

    Robert Kelo

    David McDermott

    Edward Badamo

    John Calamo

    Paul Petrillo

    Salvatore Ferraro

    Robert Chadwick

    Edward DeFrancesco

    Joseph Mulligan

    David G Johnson

    David Herrmann

    Vincent Roth

    Sidney Trower

    Wayne Butterworth

    George Edwards

    Charles Cargan

    Robert Viglione

    Roger Sullivan

    Raymond Dobbs

    William Mulcahy

    James E Hagerty

    Raymond A Ramelli

    John Bellmore Jr.

    James F Leddy

    John Corbett

    Robert Westervelt

    Richard Lostritto

    William Giaquinto

    Anthony D'Agostino

    Howard Hurlburt Jr.

    Edward Dorion

    Burton Hillocks

    Richard Stacey

    Gaetano Amarante

    Gerald R Wolf

    Ronald Altieri

    Edward W Kopjanski

    Anthony Melillo

    Dennis Cosgrove

    Ralph Dievert

    Bernard Early

    George Patten

    Dennis Baker

    William Marak

    William Coppola

    Edward Charbonneau

    Richard Maybury

    John Tramontano

    W Robert Kenny

    John  Mordecai


    Many thanks to our Charter Brothers for their dedication and commitment to the professional fire service.




    Feb 21, 2006




    Hamden Y&G 2 sm.JPGThe Hamden Professional Firefighters affiliated with the International Association of Firefighters [IAFF] on March 19, 1979.  On that charter day, Local 2687 became the sole and exclusive representative of the career firefighters protecting the citizens of Hamden.


    For 28 years, Local 2687 has negotiated fair and equitable working agreements, protected the rights and benefits of our members, and has become both a fraternal and social organization.   We steadfastly maintain our commitment to on-the-job safety and continued training and certification. The sister and brotherhood of firefighters is ingrained in our nature, due to the teamwork and stress related to our line of work.  The IAFF and our state organization the Uniformed Professional Fire Fighters of Connecticut [UPFFA] encourage communication and fraternal good-will between IAFF Locals throughout the State of Connecticut and across both the United States and Canada.


    Local 2687 maintains deep rooted ties to the Hamden community.  We sponsor sports teams in the various town leagues.  Several of our members are or were active members of these leagues, serving as coaches, equipment managers, and members of the organizational boards.  We purchase space in booster ad-books, and contribute to events organized around the health and safety of Hamden’s youth.


    Our members were instrumental in starting the “Vial of Life” program in Hamden.  This initiative helps protect our elderly citizens in the case of a medical emergency by providing vital medical histories to EMS personnel, should the person be unable to respond verbally during a medical emergency.  We maintain an active committee dedicated to raising money to defeat muscular dystrophy through the MDA, a member serves as a counselor at the Connecticut Burn Foundation summer camp for kids, we collect food for the elderly services kitchen, and donate toys the Yale New Haven Hospital each holiday season.


    These programs and others are a major part of our organization.  Yes, our members provide fire protection, paramedic EMS response, auto accident extrication, hazardous material response, technical rescue, and code enforcement…but we are so much more.


    We are your friends and neighbors, coaches and counselors, room parents, and PTA members; we are members of your places of worship, we belong to your clubs and community organizations, and we are ready to help you when you need us most.


    We are the Hamden Professional Firefighters, IAFF Local 2687: People Helping People……

    Oct 11, 2007

                                                                                                           Hamden Y&G 2 sm.JPG


    Local 2687 Mission Statement:


    "To represent the career members of the Hamden Fire Department in all issues of health, safety, collective bargaining, and labor relations; and to encourage positive and progressive change in the professional fire service through representative and fraternal means."

    Page Last Updated: May 20, 2018 (18:24:00)
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